We are looking to add more activity groups to our calendar. Some suggestions are Mix & Mingle, Wine Group, Samba cards, Gourmet, Walkers. Groups can meet monthly, every other month or at various times during the year. If you would like to chair an activity or have suggestions for a new one, please contact Carol Newton, Activity Chm., at chnewton@msn.com or 352-533-0721.
Below is a list of the current activity chairs with their contact information. The next newsletter will contain the schedule and highlights of many of the activities listed. If you have questions or would like more information before the next newsletter is distributed contact the activity chair listed below.
Women of Nassau current Activity Coordinators:
Between the Lines - Marie Larson, claudinehart91@gmail.com
Bowling Beauties - Sandy Taylor, 904-556-1277, taylor32034@gmail.com
Bunco - 2nd Tuesday - Lynda Watson, lyndanamelia@gmail.com
Bunco 2 - 1st Thursday - Gail Teachworth, teachworthg@hotmail.com
Cheap Thrills - Donna Czyzyk, donnacz@verizon.net or Laurie Laiken, laurielaiken@outlook.com
Chick Flicks - Dawn Bostwick - bostwickdwon@gmail.com
Cocktails and Canasta - Celia Gravely, 352-316-2485, cegrav@yahoo.com
Crafty Ladies - Karen Galambos, kgalambos@verizon.net
Cuisine & Conversations - Debbie Grove, debbie30120@gmail.com
Finance Education Group - Kim Boylan, 904-321-7002, kim.boylan@edwardjones.com
Game Night - Laurie Laiken, laurielaiken@outlook.com
Mah Jongg - Debbie Price, deb203@aol.com
Outdoor Adventure - Jo Lichten - joanne.lichten@gmail.com
Pennies Canasta - Ann Knickrehm, 913-638-9247, annknickrehm@gmail.com
Petanque - Lee Ann Shobe, 970-589-4241, jimleeshobe@gmail.com
If there are any activities that you are interested in, please take the lead and let us know (email Activity Chair Carol Newton at chnewton@msn.com so we can help in any way to coordinate your plans. This is YOUR club so let’s make a great success of it. Thanks for your interest in joining and being a part of this exciting and FUN club!
If you are interested in an activity that already exists, please be sure to contact the chair of the activity to inform them that you are interested so you can be included in information forward to participants.
As we begin our new adventures in Women of Nassau, the way for us to grow our organization is to invite your friends, neighbors, and families to join you in some of our exciting and enjoyable activities. Don’t be shy, show everyone how much fun we have. This would be a great opportunity for you to express yourself and how you can help us grow into one of the best clubs.
Any ideas for a new activity or event should be sent to Activity Chair Carol Newton at chnewton@msn.com.
The WON Bunco group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. Currently we have a full roster of 16 regular players, but if you are in...
This Bunco group will meet the 1st Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm. Anyone interested in joining this Bunco group as a regular player or a...
Do you like to Hike? Bike? Kayak? Then contact Jo Lichten at joanne.lichten@gmail.com and ask to be put on her list. Because these events ar...
If there are any activities that you are interested in, please take the lead and let us know (email Carol Newton - chnewton@msn.com) so we can help in any way to coordinate your plans. This is YOUR club so let’s make a great success of it. Thanks for your interest in joining and being a part of this exciting and FUN club!
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