At our January luncheon, we celebrated our 6th anniversary of Women of Nassau, where members and past board members, committee members and activity leaders were recognized for their contributions to WON. The room was decorated beautifully, and we shared cake and a champagne toast to our wonderful organization.
For this letter, I wanted to share a couple of things. First, if you have not already done so, please remember to renew your membership! You can renew online at or from the reminder email you received in January. Members who joined or renewed prior to January 1 were entered into a drawing for a complimentary 2025 luncheon registration. Lorraine Clapper was our winner – congratulations, Lorraine! Members are our most important asset; without you we would not have our great club!
Next, scammers have become very creative in sending emails to members that appear to be from me as president of WON. These emails may ask that you pay an invoice for WON or just ask if you are available. I will NEVER send such an email or text to you, so know that these emails are scams – do not respond to these emails- just delete them.
And finally, a word about how your membership dues are used. The Board of Directors has adopted a budget for 2025 that outlines the sources and uses of club funds. The Budget provides a plan for operating the Club for 2025 and how we plan to fund those operations. Sources of funds include annual membership dues, Ways and Means Committee efforts and some money remaining from prior years. For 2025, the Budget includes at least $10 of each membership dues to be used for charitable purposes – a total of $2500. This is in addition to any funds raised by the Philanthropy Committee through their fundraising activities. About $4,000 of our total budget is used for basic club operating expenses such as website and cart, liability insurance, accounting software, state corporate license, post office box, etc. Another $1,000 is used to provide complimentary lunch meals for our luncheon program speakers and maybe a few dollars for luncheon decorations. For special events, $2,000 for four evening events have been allocated, and $1,000 for the Activities Committee to use in planning new activities. Because of scammers, we will not be publishing the budget on the website, but if you would like to see the full budget document, just email me at and I will be happy to send it to you and answer any questions you might have.
Amelia National has had to increase the cost of our luncheons to $40 all inclusive. While the Board feels that this is still a reasonable price for the value received, we recognize that this could create a hardship for some members to attend the luncheon, so we will work with Amelia National to see if we can come up with a viable alternative meal that is less expensive.
The Board and your committees have planned some exciting events and activities for the coming year. If you have any suggestions on events, activities, or other things that you would like to see happening in our great little club, please let me or another Board member know.
I am excited to be your President for 2025 and I am looking forward to working with you all in the coming year!
Lynda Watson, President
The membership application has been updated on the Women of Nassau website and can now be completed on-line and submitted on-line, and payment of dues can be completed via pay pal using the online functionality, . If you are an existing member, it is time to renew your membership for 2025.
Please encourage your female friends, family, and neighbors who live in Nassau County, FL to join us. This organization will work to provide friendship and fun to all members while supporting beneficial services to our community. We welcome your suggestions, your ideas and your dreams in helping to organize, plan and create this unique club!
Renew your membership or join today, if you want to continue enjoying the wonderful activities presented to us and future activities as we continue to grow and have more fun.
Our latest directory has been distributed and emailed to you. If you did not receive yours, please email Donna Williams at If you would like your photo included in the directory, please email ASAP your photo to Donna Williams at to be included in the next published directory.
We feel including your photo enables you to be recognized by your fellow members. Directories will be emailed to all members. This is also a way to help you remember “Who was that lady I met today?”
If after reviewing the directory, if you wish to change your photo, please send another photo to Donna Williams at and your photo will be updated. Thanks for all the photos we have received.
Hope you enjoy the directory and find it useful in finding new friendships. As we are growing, a new directory with updates will be distributed when it is necessary.
Presenting the slate of charities for support in 2025. More information about the charities is included at
Vicki Gibson presented present an overview of mission of Philanthropy and decision making that went into the selection of the three major charities to be supported in 2025.
Vicki Gibson made a motion that the three charities selected by the Philanthropy Committee and approved by the Board, Gracie’s Kitchen, Ferst Readers and Chandler’s Hope be accepted as the organizations Women of Nassau will support in 2025. Motion was seconded by Nancy Gallimore. Motion passed.
The WON Sunshine Corner/WON Cares provides moral and actual support to WON members. Please contact Judy Mahan ( ) who will assist you with a list volunteers for your needs. Assistance with activities of daily living, transportation, meal, or just a friendly visit.
Earlier this year, your WON Board distributed a survey to all WON members asking for your input on how more value could be added to your WON membership. Approximately 50% of members responded to the survey. Thank you for your responses! We appreciate the many kind words and the excellent ideas and suggestions for improvement. Also a big thank you to Nancy Gallimore for compiling the survey results.
Your WON Board of Directors is taking the survey responses seriously. We want to let you know the steps that have been or are being taken to address your concerns, ideas and suggestions.
Many of your suggestions are already implemented or planned as disclosed below. So many excellent ideas were received that, as I mention below, we will need your help to be able to accomplish all that members have indicated they would like to see offered in the near future. We are asking for volunteers to take the lead or to assist with these initiatives. A large, time-consuming commitment is not necessary, we can tailor a volunteer task that fits your schedule and availability. Also we will be happy to help guide new volunteers with our past experience and information, so that you can feel more comfortable with offering to help. We currently have about 30 members who serve in leadership positions – Board members, activity leaders, philanthropy team, special events team – This is less than 20% of our membership. These wonderful women are the heartbeat of Women of Nassau. We would love to have additional members join our leadership team! Getting involved, even on a limited basis, is a great way to meet new people, make new friends, feel a sense of accomplishment, and have fun! So please consider volunteering to help with one of the proposed initiatives below.
And finally, I would like to thank WON Board members, Committee chairs, committee members, and other volunteers who work on WON business and in organizing events for WON. These folks spend tremendous amounts of time and effort on these projects. You cannot truly appreciate the amount of effort involved in each activity, event, or trip until you have worked on that project. Please consider volunteering for one (or more) of the projects that interests you. Not only will your participation help to make WON a stronger organization, it is a great way to meet new people, make new friends, and boost your self-esteem by contributing to your organization and community! And it will be fun too.
Your WON President
Lynda Watson
Want to meet many of your fellow WON members all at once? Volunteer to help out at the check in table for the luncheons. It is a great way to meet fellow members, get to know folks better and in general participate in an activity that really needs folks to help out. We are asking for at least two volunteers for each month beginning in March.
There will be a signup sheet for this activity at the luncheon. Even if you can only tentatively volunteer, please consider it. We would like to have three members for each month so if there is an emergency, we will have two to hand out seat assignments and in general greet your fellow WON members. Gay Dunlop has offered to help manage this. If you would like to take help her out managing this fun activity, please let her know or email her at
Magnetic Name Tags can be purchased from:
Eagleye Printing
1335 S 8th St, Fernandina Beach, FL 32034
(904) 277-1277
Open Monday through Friday 9AM to 5 PM
Be sure to let the Eagleye employee know you are with the Women of Nassau group.
You may also purchase a name tag for your spouse/significant other. This name tag is
to show your spouse/significant other's name only, without the Women of Nassau logo.
WON now has a team T-shirt! It is a beautiful short sleeve, royal blue with silver logo, and is also available in a V-neck T-shirt. The cost is $16.05 per shirt. This T-shirt would be great to wear while attending WON activities, events, and especially while volunteering!
This eye-catching shirt will help WON be recognized in our community.
Purchase on the website at
Did you know that Women of Nassau has a Facebook Page. Just search in Facebook "Women of Nassau". Do you have a photo you have taken at a WON event. We request that members send pictures and information for the Women of Nassau Facebook page to Laurie Laiken -
The Women of Nassau has a Membership Welcome Coffee. This activity is meant to introduce all of our potentional and new members to the club. Of course, if other members would like to attend, please feel free to come by. Board members will be on hand to discuss the club, our activities, mission statement, charity work, etc.
The Welcome Coffee will be held monthly beginning on the third Monday of the month starting at 10:30 a.m. and lasting until 11:30 a.m. A group may go to lunch afterwards. Please encourage your friends who may be interested in this club to attend this informative activity. More information is available at
If there are any activities that you are interested in, please take the lead and let us know ( so we can help in any way to coordinate your plans. This is YOUR club so let’s make a great success of it. Thanks for your interest in joining and being a part of this exciting and FUN club!
If you are interested in an activity that already exists, please be sure to contact the chair of the activity to inform them that you are interested so you can be included in information forward to participants.
The activities and the contact person are listed on our website under the activities link in the header. The email address is just a click away! To contact the activity chair just click onthe email address (or if this doesn’t work depress the control key and click) and it should open an email on your phone or laptop. This makes reaching out to the activity chairs very simple.
The Women of Nassau organization is your organization. To grow our organization, you should
invite your friends, neighbors and families to join you at some of these exciting and enjoyable activities.
Don’t be shy, show everyone how much fun we have. This would be a great opportunity for you to express yourself and how you can help us grow into one of the best clubs.
Any ideas for a new activity or event should be sent to our Activities Chair - Carol Newton -
We're excited about our new Women of Nassau social club in Nassau County, Florida, created for new and current residents! This organization will work to provide friendship and fun to all members while supporting beneficial services to our community. Bring your suggestions, your ideas, and your dreams in helping to create this unique club! If you know someone who might be interested in becoming a charter member, please share this information. Our membership application is located on our Downloads page.
We're delighted to share with you some of the activities information that we are working hard on scheduling in the future. WE NEED YOU to help us achieve our goals of being fun and friendly. Some of our activities include: bingo, bon appetit, bowling, bridge, canasta (of all varieties), chick flicks, CSI, dirt digging divas, Friday night chill, game night, guess who's coming to dinner, see Florida, and many others. All ideas, suggestions, information, and what you can bring to our club are greatly appreciated.
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